Thursday, September 18, 2008

Please stop wasting my time.

If you are standing in a bus stop and see a bus approaching and you do not actually wish to board that bus -- for the love of God, please STEP BACK from the stop or walk away, or something.

Do you know how many times I pull out of traffic because a person is standing in a stop making eye contact with me but when I open the doors they say, "Oh, no I'm not waiting for the bus." Seriously? Silly me to assume that because you are standing in a BUS STOP and staring at my BUS that you actually wanted to catch it!!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Why, oh why?

Do people think it's a good idea to pay their bus fare in ALL pennies?? Yes, I know pennies are legal tender. And yes, I know people are always looking for ways to get rid of the mounds of pennies they find in their sofa cushions. Hmmm, I'm starting to think the proposal to do away with the penny in Canada is a good one.... I digress.

First of all, it's quite the timewaster for us all to sit there while this ONE person holds up the line by dumping pennies into the farebox, 5 or 6 at a time. Even better are the ones that just take their little sandwich baggie full of pennies and dump the whole thing into the hopper at once. That results in an immediate jammed coin module. Now I've got to call for a supervisor to meet me at some point so he or she can repair it THUS causing further delays and THUS eating into my layover at the end of the line, THUS shortening the amount of time I can dick around on Facebook mobile.

Please, if you have pennies, be normal. Go to the Dollarama and buy a bag of those little penny roller thingies. Fill them up. Now take them to a band (a REAL bank, not Money Mart) and exchange them for a toonie. Thanks, you're a peach!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"Student" is an occupation, not an age range

Students get a discount on bus fare, as they should. Elementary school, high school, or post-secondary school, it doesn't matter, they all get to pay 75 cents less than a regular adult fare.

Here's the problem. Many people (especially guys in their early 20s) seem to be confused as to what qualifies one as a student. A "student" is one who studies on a (somewhat) regular basis. A "student" is one is actively attending classes (or at least on the days when they are not hungover). Some of these students are only 19; some are in their 50s. Doesn't matter, just as long as they go to college/university full-time, they get the discount.

A person who graduated from high school three years ago, but decided to take some time out to "find themselves" before returning to formal education or (gasp!) find a job, is not a student. They are just sad.

By the way, it doesn't take three years to find yourself. I'll give you a hint: you're sitting on your buddy's couch playing X-box. Look there first. See, that was quick wasn't it.

Oh, you mean metaphorically "find" yourself. That doesn't take three years either. It should take about four minutes. You are not as deep as you think you are.