Wednesday, October 22, 2008

My Bad -- I Thought We Were Sharing Toxic Chemical Fumes!

Why do people not realize how gross and rude it is to suck on their stupid cigarettes until the very last second the bus pulls up, and then exhale all that smoke into my face as they are boarding the bus?

Would it be okay for me to start carrying around a can of oven cleaner and then spray it into the faces of the offending smokers? I'm sure they would be very pissed, and possibly even try to have me arrested for assault if I gave them a big 'ole face full of Easy Off. But they forced me to inhale their nasty tobacco fumes, now all I want to do is return the favour!

Then of course I would just act like I didn't realize what I did was rude. "Oh, I'm sorry! Did you not want me to blow noxious fumes in your face?" That's my favourite part -- when the cloud of smoke is hanging over my head, they sort of wave their hands in front of their face to disperse the smoke and say, "I'm sorry," with a sheepish grin. As if they didn't realize that cigarettes make SMOKE come out of your mouth!

Don't be sorry. Just be far away from me.

P.S. This only happens when the smoker is waiting for the bus with a crowd of other people. If a person is standing at the bus stop alone and hasn't thrown down their butt by the time I am within six feet of the stop, I just resume speed and drive away. You can't smoke on a bus; Therefore anyone who is still smoking when the bus pulls up doesn't really want to catch the bus anyway.

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