Friday, January 30, 2009

Winter Wonderland (as in "I wonder where everyone's brains went?)

Okay, it's time for a few lessons about how to behave in the winter.

First of all, stop fucking complaining about snow in the bus stops. It's winter. We live in Canada. It snows here. A lot, sometimes. Put on a pair of boots, and get on with your life. One cannot reasonably expect to have every single flake of snow scraped off the sidewalk less than 6 hours after it has stopped snowing.

Second, if you want to complain about snow in the bus stop, then go knock on the door of the house or business that abutts the sidewalk, and complain to them. They are responsible for clearing the walkways that surround their house or business. If you live in a big apartment complex, then go complain to the managers, because they too should be clearing the ENTIRE walkway in front of the building. Amazing how every business can get their parking lot cleared out ASAP, but they can't pay the guy an extra $50 to snow blow the sidewalk.

Let me just pause to give a special shout out to the asshole orthodonist whose office is across the street from Walmart. I won't name names, since they guy is clearly a selfish, arrogant pricktard and would probably sue me. -- "HEY BUDDY!! CLEAR THE FUCKING SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!! There happens to be a bus stop located on that sidewalk (a very busy one), and it's completely inaccesable whenever it snows. I hope you never need to use a walker or a wheelchair, Mr. Fancy-Pants Orthodontist. YOU SUCK!!"

Next Week's Lesson: How Not to Get Hit by A Bus Sliding on Ice (hint -- don't run in front of it while it's still moving).

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